Springs are dangerous to handle. This may seem like an obvious statement, but you'd be surprised by how often people tend to take them for granted. The very nature of their action makes them carry a lot of stress, and an unexpected release of that tension can have catastrophic results. Those risks don't disappear after a spring breaks. Your door relies on these components to support its weight, and if you were to try and open it under that condition it could end up collapsing.
Spring Maintenance Lowers The Risks
If you'd like to decrease the chance of a malfunction, making sure your garage door springs are properly cared for is crucial. Spring adjustment and lubrication are two of the main tasks that need to be performed on a regular basis in order to keep the performance of these components optimal. That's where our team comes in. Our technicians specialize in performing these tasks quickly and safely, and we can help your garage door system last for a lot longer than it's expected to.
The Risks of Spring Replacement
The reason these components are so dangerous to handle is also the reason they are so important. They support the weight of your door and provide it with a tension-based force that allows it to open relatively effortlessly. The process of replacing a spring, broken or not, requires a careful release of that tension, and any miscalculation or wrong move can lead to serious injuries. That's why you should always opt to have one of our trained professionals do it for you.
A Solution to Any Problem
Whether you have a pair of extension springs or just one single torsion unit, our team at Garage Door Repair Daly City can take care of any issue that may develop. We will make sure you and your family stay safe and that your door returns to its normal function in little to no time at all. Contact us today for more information.